

近日,著名法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)发布了《钱伯斯全球法律实务指南:广告与市场营销》(Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising & Marketing 2023)。海问娱乐法业务组继2020年、2021年、2022年后再度获钱伯斯邀请,担纲撰写“广告与市场营销”篇法律指南的中国章节。本次指南由合伙人曹宇合伙人周剑资深顾问唐丹妮和律师康玲共同执笔。

Recently, the renowned legal rating agency Chambers and Partners ("Chambers") published the Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising & Marketing 2023 (the "Guide"). Haiwen’s Entertainment Law Group was invited by Chambers to author the China chapter of this year’s Practice Guides again following the 2020 & 2021 & 2022 editions. This year, the Guide is co-authored by Cao Yu, Zhou Jian, Tang Danni and Kang Ling.



Each year, Chambers select Contributing Editors "who are ranked in the relevant Chambers Guides as the best in their field" to share their legal and practice experiences and distribute the renowned Legal Practice Guides globally.

海问的娱乐法业务组在市场上受到广泛认可。其中,曹宇律师部分荣誉包括2019-2023年连续获得“钱伯斯亚太指南”娱乐媒体领域一等级别律师推荐,亚洲法律概况(asialaw Profiles)2022/23、2023/24年卓越律师(媒体与娱乐领域),《亚洲法律杂志》“2021 ALB China 十五佳TMT律师”,及连续荣获《法律500强》(The Legal 500)2021-2023年亚太榜单通信媒体领域“领先律师”。周剑律师部分荣誉包括亚洲法律概况(asialaw Profiles)2022/23、2023/24年媒体与娱乐领域“受关注律师”。

Haiwen’s Entertainment Law Group is highly recognized across the industry. Recent honors of its leading partner Cao Yu include being ranked as Band 1 Lawyer for Media & Entertainment (PRC firms) from 2019 to 2023, consecutively, by Chambers & Partners Asia-Pacific Guide; "Distinguished Practitioner" in Media & Entertainment in 2022/23 and 2023/24 by asialaw Profiles; "2021 ALB China Top 15 TMT Lawyers" by Asian Legal Business; as well as "Leading Individual" in the TMT sector by The Legal 500 Asia Pacific Guide in 2021, 2022 and 2023. Recent honors of Zhou Jian include being named as "Notable Practitioner" in Media & Entertainment by asialaw Profiles in 2022/23 and 2023/24.

本次指南沿袭前三年的内容架构,分为“法律与实务”(Law and Practice)及“趋势和发展”(Trends and Development)两部分:“法律与实务”部分重点介绍广告和市场营销领域的立法现状,总结了广告用语、比较广告与埋伏式营销、社交媒体、网红营销与在线评论、广告与隐私、抽奖及促销、人工智能、Web 3.0以及产品合规等方面的监管框架;“趋势和发展”则深入探讨了过去一年中,广告和市场营销领域在振兴经济导向、生成式人工智能及人工智能生成内容(AIGC)、互联网广告、明星代言、医疗领域相关的广告立法和执法方面的前沿动态,并对今后的监管趋势进行了分析。

Following the structure in the past three editions, the Guide contains two sections: Law and Practice and Trends and Development. The "Law and Practice" section focuses on the current legislations in advertising and marketing fields, summarizing the regulatory framework in advertising language, comparative advertising and ambush marketing, social media, influencer campaigns and online reviews, privacy and advertising, sweepstakes and consumer promotions, artificial intelligence, Web 3.0, and product compliance. The "Trends and Development" section provides an in-depth look at the forefront of the legislative and regulatory activities in terms of advertising and marketing over the past year, such as efforts in the economy, generative AI and AIGC, online advertisement, celebrity endorsement as well as advertising in the medical sector. It also provides a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory trends going forward.

指南目录 Contents of the Guide



The Guide is free to access on the Chambers website (See "Read More"), where it is also available for download as a PDF file. 

作者简介 Author Bios










About Entertainment Group of Haiwen



近日,著名法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)发布了《钱伯斯全球法律实务指南:广告与市场营销》(Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising & Marketing 2023)。海问娱乐法业务组继2020年、2021年、2022年后再度获钱伯斯邀请,担纲撰写“广告与市场营销”篇法律指南的中国章节。本次指南由合伙人曹宇合伙人周剑资深顾问唐丹妮和律师康玲共同执笔。

Recently, the renowned legal rating agency Chambers and Partners ("Chambers") published the Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising & Marketing 2023 (the "Guide"). Haiwen’s Entertainment Law Group was invited by Chambers to author the China chapter of this year’s Practice Guides again following the 2020 & 2021 & 2022 editions. This year, the Guide is co-authored by Cao Yu, Zhou Jian, Tang Danni and Kang Ling.



Each year, Chambers select Contributing Editors "who are ranked in the relevant Chambers Guides as the best in their field" to share their legal and practice experiences and distribute the renowned Legal Practice Guides globally.

海问的娱乐法业务组在市场上受到广泛认可。其中,曹宇律师部分荣誉包括2019-2023年连续获得“钱伯斯亚太指南”娱乐媒体领域一等级别律师推荐,亚洲法律概况(asialaw Profiles)2022/23、2023/24年卓越律师(媒体与娱乐领域),《亚洲法律杂志》“2021 ALB China 十五佳TMT律师”,及连续荣获《法律500强》(The Legal 500)2021-2023年亚太榜单通信媒体领域“领先律师”。周剑律师部分荣誉包括亚洲法律概况(asialaw Profiles)2022/23、2023/24年媒体与娱乐领域“受关注律师”。

Haiwen’s Entertainment Law Group is highly recognized across the industry. Recent honors of its leading partner Cao Yu include being ranked as Band 1 Lawyer for Media & Entertainment (PRC firms) from 2019 to 2023, consecutively, by Chambers & Partners Asia-Pacific Guide; "Distinguished Practitioner" in Media & Entertainment in 2022/23 and 2023/24 by asialaw Profiles; "2021 ALB China Top 15 TMT Lawyers" by Asian Legal Business; as well as "Leading Individual" in the TMT sector by The Legal 500 Asia Pacific Guide in 2021, 2022 and 2023. Recent honors of Zhou Jian include being named as "Notable Practitioner" in Media & Entertainment by asialaw Profiles in 2022/23 and 2023/24.

本次指南沿袭前三年的内容架构,分为“法律与实务”(Law and Practice)及“趋势和发展”(Trends and Development)两部分:“法律与实务”部分重点介绍广告和市场营销领域的立法现状,总结了广告用语、比较广告与埋伏式营销、社交媒体、网红营销与在线评论、广告与隐私、抽奖及促销、人工智能、Web 3.0以及产品合规等方面的监管框架;“趋势和发展”则深入探讨了过去一年中,广告和市场营销领域在振兴经济导向、生成式人工智能及人工智能生成内容(AIGC)、互联网广告、明星代言、医疗领域相关的广告立法和执法方面的前沿动态,并对今后的监管趋势进行了分析。

Following the structure in the past three editions, the Guide contains two sections: Law and Practice and Trends and Development. The "Law and Practice" section focuses on the current legislations in advertising and marketing fields, summarizing the regulatory framework in advertising language, comparative advertising and ambush marketing, social media, influencer campaigns and online reviews, privacy and advertising, sweepstakes and consumer promotions, artificial intelligence, Web 3.0, and product compliance. The "Trends and Development" section provides an in-depth look at the forefront of the legislative and regulatory activities in terms of advertising and marketing over the past year, such as efforts in the economy, generative AI and AIGC, online advertisement, celebrity endorsement as well as advertising in the medical sector. It also provides a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory trends going forward.

指南目录 Contents of the Guide



The Guide is free to access on the Chambers website (See "Read More"), where it is also available for download as a PDF file. 

作者简介 Author Bios










About Entertainment Group of Haiwen


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